Vulnerability Analysis of Flood Disaster in Ibadan, Nigeria

Author Details

Yoade, A.O., Adeyemi, S.A. and Adelabu, T.A

Journal Details


Published: 16 February 2020 | Article Type :


The study examined vulnerability analysis of flood disaster in Ibadan, Nigeria. The data for this study were collected from two major sources namely: primary and secondary sources. Primary data was obtained from a field survey which includes personal observations and questionnaire, etc. The secondary data was obtained from relevant textbooks, journals, periodicals; published and unpublished works, maps, internet materials and other information. The study population for this study was the buildings in Eleyele and Apete, Ibadan, Oyo state. The choice of sample size was influenced by the need to actually target those who have been feeling the impact of flood in the area. The questionnaire was administered purposively to the buildings within 100 meters of the river network and systematically at five houses intervals. Data collected were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics based on the set objectives. Findings revealed that 88 respondents representing 48.4% are owner occupied while 94 respondents representing 51.6% are tenancy. Findings also revealed that residents opined that heavy rainfall is the highest cause of flooding in the study area and it accounted for 40.9%. Terrain of the area is the least cause of flooding in the study area and it accounted for 2.8%. The study concluded that flood risk management can be effective in Nigeria if its government place high priority on the issues related to environmental (protection, monitoring and control) and address them as soon as they come up.

Keywords: Flood, vulnerability, environment, disaster and Ibadan.

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How to Cite


Yoade, A.O., Adeyemi, S.A. and Adelabu, T.A. (2020-02-16). "Vulnerability Analysis of Flood Disaster in Ibadan, Nigeria." *Volume 2*, 1, 27-38